Friday 22 July 2016

You Say Nothing

God saw you suffering,
and said come with me to a better place.
He took your hand and said " Walk with me"
I'll heal your dreary face.

I'm taking you to a place,
Where I can take care of you,
A place where you can run and play
Where you can do what you want to do.

As you say your last words to me,
Tears fell from my eyes,
You reached up took my hand,
And said "Please don't cry"

Do not cry for me for I am in a better place.
I will look down and watch you,
I will guide your heavenly face.

As I slowly touch your face,
You slowly passed away
I try to hold back my tears,
For I will be with you one day.

As I slowly kiss your forehead,
I slowly start to cry,
You whispered in my ear
"I will always love you"
"You're my angel in

You're My Angel In Disguise

God saw you suffering,

and said come with me to a better place.
He took your hand and said " Walk with me"
I'll heal your dreary face.

I'm taking you to a place,
Where I can take care of you,
A place where you can run and play
Where you can do what you want to do.

As you say your last words to me,
Tears fell from my eyes,
You reached up took my hand,
And said "Please don't cry"

Do not cry for me for I am in a better place.
I will look down and watch you,
I will guide your heavenly face.

As I slowly touch your face,
You slowly passed away
I try to hold back my tears,
For I will be with you one day.

As I slowly kiss your forehead,
I slowly start to cry,
You whispered in my ear
"I will always love you"
"You're my angel in disguise.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Younger Than Spring Time

It's sunny and bright all the day long

now I'm certain that you adore me,
down lover's lane, singing our song,
we meet in the early morning.
We stay awhile on the grass so green,
you tell me of love's old story,
you tell me over, and over again,
kisses are sweet in the early morning.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


You'll love me yet!--and I can tarry 

Your love's protracted growing;
June rear'd that bunch of flowers you carry
From seeds of April's sowing.
I plant a heartful now: some seed
At least is sure to strike,
And yield--what you'll not pluck indeed,
Not love, but, may be, like.
You'll look at least on love's remains,
A grave's one violet:
Your look?--that pays a thousand pains.
What's death? You'll love me yet!

Tuesday 19 July 2016

You Kissed Me

You kissed me! My head drooped low on your breast 

With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest,
While the holy emotions my tongue dared not speak,
Flashed up as in flame, from my heart to my cheek;
Your arms held me fast; oh! your arms were so bold-
Heart beat against heart in their passionate fold.
Your glances seemed drawing my soul through mine eyes,
As the sun draws the mist from the sea to the skies.
Your lips clung to mine till I prayed in my bliss
They might never unclasp from the rapturous kiss. You kissed me! My heart, my breath and my will
In delirious joy from a moment stood still.
Life had for me then no temptations, no charms,
No visions of rapture outside of your arms;
And were I this instant an angel possessed
Of the peace and the joy that belong to the blest,
I would fling my white robes unrepiningly down,
I would tear from my forehead its beautiful crown,
To nestle once more in that haven of rest-
Your lips upon mine, my head on your breast.
You kissed me: My soul in a bliss so divine
Reeled and swooned like a drunkard when foolish with wine,
And I thought 'twere delicious to die there, if death
Would but come while my lips were yet moist with your breath;
While your arms clasped me round in that blissful embrace,
While your eyes melt in mine could e'en death e'er efface-
Oh, these are the questions I ask day and night:
Must my lips taste no more such exquisite delight?
Would you wish that your breast were my shelter as then?
And if you were here, would you kiss me again?

Monday 18 July 2016

You're The One

There`s a strange feeling

hidden inside my heart
There`s a strange feeling
stored up inside my heart

I crave for love no matter
how hard
I long eagerly for love
even though it hurts

I`ll wait for you though
it takes so many nights
I`ll save my last breath until
the sun refuse to shine its light

I want you to know
I need you to know
For you I will show that
YOU`RE THE ONE I cant let go.

Saturday 16 July 2016

You Are The One For Me

Your the one for me 

In my heart I feel like we were meant to be
No one has ever made me feel the way I do
But thats was way before I met you
I've never fallen in love so fast
I just hope this feeling will last
Your the one I've been searching for my whole life
And one of these years I wish to be your wife
I hope you feel the way I feel
Because all of this just seems
to wonderful to be real.

Thursday 14 July 2016

You Are The One

I try to find the words 
to express the feeling in my heart; 
I try to show you that I care, 
but I don't know where to start. 
I guess I'll start right here 
and I guess I'll start right now. 
I'll tell you that I love you 
and I'll tell you why and how. You are the one I want to lay next to 
when my time has passed. 
You are the one I've given myself to 
and you will be the last. 
You are the one I want for life, 
until the day I die. 
You are the one God sent for me, 
to be with me, and that is no lie. 
You are the one who brightens my day, 
with your smile bright and glowing. 
You are the one whom I wake up for 
each and every morning.

You Are Romance

Holdme, enfold me this evening

take me far up to the height
we will endeavour to love forever
come let it happen tonight.

Ask me to dance this evening
sing me your love song tonight
you are romance so ask me to dance
never ever to stray from my sight.

Come take a chance this evening
in Paradise, how sweet the delight
with one glance, bring me romance
and tell me you love me tonight.

Hold me, enfold me this evening
with two eager arms hold me tight
we will endeavour to love forever
come, let it happen tonight.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Mujhy Doobta Bhi Dekh Urdu Sad Poetry

Mujhy Doobta Bhi Dekh Urdu Sad Poetry. 

By Shahbaz Jaan

Mujhy Doobta Bhi Dekh Urdu Sad Poetry

Ishq Ka Apna Garoor Urdu Poetry 2016

Ishq Ka Apna Garoor Urdu Poetry 2016 Latest Pics.

By Shahbaz Jaan

Ishq Ka Apna Garoor Urdu

You Are On My Mind

It makes me happy just being by your side

All those feelings I just can't hide
You'll always be in my heart
Can't bear the pain when were apart

Nobody is as special as you are to me
Now I hope you are beginning to see
Just how much I care for you
And all my feelings will always be true

I can't describe how much I care
But when you need me, I will be there
To wipe those tears when you are sad
To make you happy when you are mad

All these things I really can do
Just remember I'm thinking of you
You are on my mind 24-7.

Saturday 9 July 2016

You Are My Hope

You are the beat of my heart,

You are the blood in my veins,
You are the life of my body,
You are the spirit in my soul.
You have givin me hope,
When I thought I could not cope,
In a time when I felt I was at the end of my rope.
I am in love with you, and only you,
For you are truly the love of my life.
Your smile starts my heart to sing,
And how I can hear the bells start to ring.
For when Im with you I feel nothing amiss,
And thats because of your loving kiss.
I stare at you face and I get lost in your beauty,
And my love for you will never become a duty.
To have you at my side,
Through our lifes joyful ride,
Fills my heart with passion and pride.
Dont ever forget my love for you,
For without your love I'd have no clue.

You Are Always There

If I've ever felt apart from the world... 

you brought me back
If I've ever cried my eyes out...
you've made them stop
If I've felt fear has kidnapped my heart...
you've rescued me
If I've ever felt deep misery or loneliness in my eyes...
you've filled them with hope and sincerity
If I've ever run away from all that I was afraid of...
you've showed that me I need to face them
If I've ever hidden from the crazy side of my mind...
you've showed me light If I've ever been torn or bent...
you've straightened me out
If I've lost pieces to my heart...
afraid that they wouldn't be put back together...
you've been there to show me it's never lost.

Thursday 7 July 2016

You Are My Dream Come True

Always in my heart 

you make me feel more loved
than I've ever felt
and happier than I've ever dreamed.
The love and understanding you have
is something I have searched for
my entire life.
Always in my happiest
and saddest moments,
you are my best friend and confidante.
I come to you for everything,
and you listen to me without judgment. Always, deep within my soul,
I know we have a love like no other.
What we share is something others
only hope for and dream of,
but few ever experience.
Our love is magical beyond belief.
Always, without hesitation,
you give of yourself completely.
You have reached the very depths of my soul,
bringing out emotions I never knew I had
and unveiling an ability to love
I never thought possible.
Always and forever
you will be my dream come true,
the one I have waited for all these years.
From now until the end of time,
I will love only you.
We will be together always.

Tuesday 5 July 2016


You and me, 
Together forever we will be;
As long as there is Heaven and Hell,
We will always be well;
Every time I look into your eyes,
I know my heart never lies;
About the way my love for you is true,
And for that love of you anything I would do;
When I feel the sweet feel of your touch,
It just makes me want you so much;
Inside my arms,
So I may protect you from all harms;
Even when the world is over,
Only one thing will still hover;
And that thing will always be,
The love between you and me.

Sunday 3 July 2016


You've changed my whole life around
You've picked me up from where I fell down
You've made me strong when I was weak
All our promises, I pomise to keep

You've taught the truth behind my lies
You've been the tears behind my cries
You've been the blanket that keeps me warm
You've been the shelter during our storm

You've been my aid to learning what's new
You've been my experience from what we've been through
You've shown me emotions I never thought I'd feel
For all this, I know my feelings are real

My one wish, that I pray stays true
My love, I hope, forever, you.

Friday 1 July 2016


When I close my eyes     

To sleep at night 
It's you I see
Holding me tight.

Your arms so strong
You make me feel safe
The only thing wrong
Someone else has your place.

I know it is wrong
To be dreaming of you
But my heart just can't stop
These feelings so true.

The timing was wrong
I met you too late
A promise was made
To determine my fate.

Why weren't you there
When I had the chance
I will always regret
Not getting this dance.

And so for now
I will settle for two
But in my heart
It will always be you. 
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