Saturday 27 February 2016

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By: Shahbaz Jaan

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By: Shahbaz Jaan

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By: Shahbaz Jaan

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By: Shahbaz Jaan

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By: Shahbaz Jaan

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By: Shahbaz Jaan

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Tuesday 23 February 2016

What Christmas Means To Me

You're like Christmas at home by the tree
a special present wrapped all up for me
only each day theres a new surprise
its always you...I cant believe my eyes

You're the loving words in a Christmas card
You're the christmas spirt when things get hard
You're the bright lights on the house when things were dim
You're the shiny new ornament on a trees sturdy limb

You're the joy of the holiday season
You're why I wrote this for no reason
You're the feeling of giving and receiving
You're why its still worth believing

Thats why you're the angel placed way above
why you're the one with all my love.

What Can I Say ?

What can I say to the one who owns my heart, 
my body, my very soul?
What can I say to the one that I
could never imagine life without?

What can I say to the one who
has been there for me all along,
The one who encouraged me go on
when I was so ready to give up?

What can I say to the one who
understands me more than I understand myself,
who shares my every pain?
What can I say to this man I adore?

When I am in your arms,
feeling the warmth of your body next to mine,
I find no words, only the beating of two hearts in love.
Two hearts joined together forever..I love you.

Friday 19 February 2016


Winsome, when at his best,
so suave in evening dress.
Is it any wonder I fell right
under his awesome spell?
A supernatural man from afar,
I love him well, my superstar.

Skies fall at my feet as we meet,
Archangels listen as we speak.
He's a "one-woman guy" and as
time goes by, I wonder why we
are so in love ~ o me, o my!
Isn't life pleasantly sweet?

A beautiful love song I hear.
A top of the run, number one;
we're going dancing in the vale;
I am under his spell, because
he's a superhuman-supernatural
one in a million superstar.


If your loving is true
Skies above will stay blue;
Walk with me till the end
When the angels descend.

Keep your kisses in tune
With the dreamy old moon,
Let your bright Spanish eyes
Cast spells of paradise.

I need only your love;
It's just you I dream of,
In your arma I nestle
To me, this is special.

Whatever will i do
If you turn from my view?
We must cling together
A lover's endeavour.

Can you hear words I say
With your mind faraway?
For your answer i pray.
"Have a wonderful day".

Sunday 14 February 2016

Valentine Day Plan Funny Jokes 2016 Plus Valentine Images

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By:. Shahbaz Jaan

Valentine Day Plan Funny Jokes 2016 Plus Valentine Images


Hot burning pain
Lovely eyes
And features that I want to break
Patterns emerge
Happiness won't
Stay too close
"Me and You"
No one says that anymore
Fires come back
Lights brighten
I can't see my life
If you aren't there to cling to and to love
Salute to fallen men
Respect them
But forget me
It seems you don't believe in love
That's so hollow!
You don't cry - I do that for you
I cry enough tears to fill the empty space
That you constantly keep between us!

Waltz Of The Mountains

The dream ever lingers,
and it's heaven you see.
My spirit flies over blue
mountains to thee;
I hear your voice calling
with a magic enthralling,
so in love I am falling
as you dance the last
Waltz of the Mountains
with me.


There was only one love in my life,
only you brought me sweet paradise.
There was only one rapturous kiss,
the tempting kiss I could never resist!
Only one love in my life.
It was you.

There was only one glistening moon,
that led the way to the Altar in June,
and only one star-spangled night,
when violins charmed our world with delight.
Only one love in my life.
It was you.

Friday 12 February 2016

Villonet On Love

Tranquil and calm as music of the sea,
You are handsome for sure, very mature
Closer closer, I am drawn each new day
In the hope that our love will sweeter be.

We fell in love 'neath the Sycamore tree
Wait for awhile; you'll recall with a smile.
Each whispering caress was always true,
Tranquil and calm as music of the sea.

Love's symphony echoed across the lea
Foliage floated down in shades of gold
I now write poems with delicate air...
In the hope that our love will sweeter be.

Tranquil and calm as music of the sea
We will dance to the moonlight serenade
In the hope that our love will sweeter be.


Love is sweet, love is kind
It isn't just a piece of mind
Love is something you need to give
Something that we share and believe
Love doesn't mind you
To cry a tear or two
But true love isn't sad
It's never bad.

Love is unique
Something like an antique
When it's broken
It seems to be forsaken
But then someone comes and see the gold
All that's scattered now is whole to hold.

What is love, you ask
Well, it's something that can never be fully described
It's different to everyone
And it's really up to you to decide.

Love is powerful yet can be weak
Something that everyone seems to seek
Love is mindful and understanding
When everything falls
It'll be the last one standing
Though it seems like a small matter
Never judge emotion by its size
Understand what love is
You'll see what a world there is.

Valentine Day 2016 Images Latest Updated Plus Wallpapers

Valentine Day 2016 Images Latest Updated Plus Wallpapers. Valentine Day 2016 Picture Free Download. 

By: Shahbaz Jaan

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Thursday 11 February 2016

True Love Awaits You

Eyes that are crystal clear,
one thinks he could see forever.
But within you lies uncertainty and confusion,
like boulders in a raging river.

The swift current, the choppy waters,
this makes for a rough and tumble ride.
Be brave, be true to yourself,
with me there is nothing to hide.

Conquer the rapids, guide this craft,
don't sail this adventure short.
At journey's end, where the water calms,
could lie a safe and wondrous port.

So, it's through great canyons, on to the ocean,
let us greet the unknown.
Paddle fast, my love, get to my heart,
for it is there you might find your own.

True Loves Gift

There was once a time my heart was stone,
Nothing could get by the walls that I made
Crying myself to sleep on each cold night,
My soul filled up with sadness, pain and fright.

I could see no hope for me in my life,
No joy, no happiness, just an empty shell,
Nothing had meaning, no peace just war,
I wanted to give up, I wanted no more.

Then all of a sudden you came into my life
All of my fears disappeared with your smile
When you looked into my eyes, I found peace
My heart filled with joy, all my pain did cease.

Many men have seen angels but I have seen you,
Youre more beautiful than all the stars combined,
My hearts not cold anymore, the stone has crumbled away
My life began again on this wonderful, bright day.

I walk with a smile, a spring in my step
A song in my heart, a light in my soul
I am happy now, you've changed my life for good
Im flying in the clouds, reach the stars I could.

You are my fantasy, my reality and everything in between
I feel alive for the first time ever, I feel so much
Emotions deeper than ever before, passion so intense
Everything seems so clear, but yet nothing seems to make sense.

When you hold me close in your arms,
The world just melts away around me,
There is nowhere else I'd rather be,
Looking deep in your eyes, my heart at last is free.

Before I met you I knew only darkness,
Now I see nothing but light,
My heart is flying over mountain and hill
I love you forever, and I always will.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

True Love 3

A gentle brush of his fingers threw my hair,
Sending shivers down my spine that I can't compare.
In the love I see in his eyes,
Is a love that equals mine.

He greets me with a smile that unforgettable,
And leaves me with a kiss that melts my heart.
If he were to ever leave me,
I couldn't imagine what I'd miss.

Maybe it's his touch,
Or the way that we kiss.
But whatever it is,
I'm head over heels,
And only true loves can feel this.

True Love 2

Looking back on the past,
the connection we have will always last,
the love I feel for you is real,
I never knew how you would make me feel.
You can never break my heart,
you are like a work of art,
your smile is always priceless,
without you I am lifeless.
You know I will do anything for you,
but my heart always feels so blue,
I keep telling my self all you need is time,
all I want is for you to be mine.
You are my best friend,
I promise my love will never end,
I will love you until the day I die,
I fear the words good bye.


Love comes through the eyes 
That help me see this wonderful surprise
I see this wonderful man
Whom of which I can always stand

Love comes through the ears
That never hear fears
They help me hear the words from you
And help me pull through

Love comes through the hands
That make you my man
Your touch creates chills
Which make me go through many thrills

Love comes through the mouth
That will one day make you my spouse
You say the right things at the right time
Which help me keep my state of mind

Love comes through dreams
That make us gleam
I dream about life with you in it
And everything seems lit

Love comes through smiles
That extend for miles
You can see all the joy
That comes from my baby boy

Love comes through affection
That makes me feel your protection
I feel safe and secure
And always come back for more

Love comes through the seasons
That give me plenty of reasons
Reasons that I Love You
And make us true

Love comes through the heart
That makes me want to never part
Your heart is all I need to get by
Without making me cry

Love comes through me
Which will set you free
I will give you all my love
That was sent as a gift from above

Love comes through you
That is always new
You come up with the sweetest things
And I know we can handle whatever love brings

Love comes through each one of us
That makes us a must
I don't think I'd make it without you
And your love so very true.

Friday 5 February 2016


It's so good to be loved

To be essential to someone
To be the breath of their life
The beat in their heart
The fire in their blood
Seeing love in their eyes
Knowing you are the one
Being in their every thought
It's so good to be loved
Except when you love another.


I could tell you I loved you. 

I could tell you you're my life.

But I won't because I don't think that would be enough.
Not only do I want to tell you how much I love you,
I want to show you.

You are the reason I live,
the reason my heart keeps beating.
Without you my life would be over.

I never knew I could love someone as much as I love and need you.
Please know I'll never be able to love anyone as much as I love you.
You're the only one for me.

And that's the way it will always be.
Without you my heart would be empty and incomplete.
Every memory I have of you I treasure.

Every thought of you is wonderful.
Thank you for the love you have given me.

Thank you for the lesson of my life I will never forget.
Thank you, love of my life.

Wednesday 3 February 2016


When Tomorrow starts without me

And I'm not here to see
If the sun should rise and find you eyes
All filled with tears for me

I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today
WHile thinking of the many things
We didnt get to say

I know how much you love me
As much as I love you
And each time that you think of me
I know you'll miss me too

But when tomorrow starts without me
Please try to understand
That an angel came and called my name
And took me by the hand

And said my place was ready In heaven far above
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love
But when I walked through heaven's gates

I felt so much at home When
God looked down and smiled at me
From his great golden throne He said
"This is eternity and all I've promised you"

Today for life on earth is past
But here it starts a new
I promise no tomorrow
For today will always last

And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past
So when tomorrow starts without me
Don't think we're far apart

For every time you think of me
I'm right here in your heart.

To The One I Love

From the very day we met

It seems I never could forget.
The wonders of your loving heart
The feeling that we'll never part.

I think about you all the time.
And cant believe youre actually mine.
The love I have for you is real.
And as I say this I start to kneel.

I take your hand and squeeze it tight
And look into your loving eyes.
Now I have figured out
That you, are my greatest prize.

I want to say I love you
But really don't know how
The only time I've felt this way
Is right here and now.

Now the time has come at last
I hope it doesn't go by too fast
You have filled the void in my heart
And I really don't know where to start.

I guess I'll just have to come out and say
That I love you more each night and day
You're love for me is all I need
And more than I can stand

I hope that you will take my hand
As I slip on your finger, this little band
It has no beginning, and it has no end
Just like my love for you, my very best friend

Now I have to take a chance
And tell you after all this romance
I want you always by my side
And so I ask you to be my bride.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

To Someone Special

Old memories are coming back to me

They're making me feel truly happy
Each little memory I treasure dearly
For they are about you,
a person I cherish ever so deeply.

In my sleepless solitude tonight,
I can't seem to keep you off my mind
I want to hug you with all my might
Oh, what I'd give just to have you
here with me through the night
If it's wrong to love you,
then I just don't want to be right.

Life is much better with you around
To my ear, your name is such a sweet sound
I was confused until you, I found
You lifted me up high from the ground.

My world was so lonely without you,
I haven't noticed the sky's shade of blue.
Everything seemed ordinary before you
But now that you're here,
I see the world in a nice different view

And now, all I want to say is Thank You

Together, You and I

When you are sad, I will dry your tears 

When you are scared, I will comfort your fears.
When you need love, my heart I will share
When you are sick, for you I will care.

You will feel my love when we are apart
Knowing that nothing will change my heart.
When you are worried, I will give you hope
When you are confused, I will help you cope.

When you are lost, and can't see the light
My love will be a beacon, shining ever so bright.
This is my vow, one that I pledge till the end
For you above all are my Love and best friend These words I have written, speak of my love for you
From my lips these words spoken, shall always ring true.

God has blessed me, and with your hand in mine
Both of our hearts, will forever intertwine.
Into all lives falls pain and sorrows,
I promise together, we will meet all tomorrows.
Together, you and I, together as one,
Your heart and mine, united as one.


To give back to you

What you've given to me
Would take me nearly an eternity
Through all the special time we've shared
You have taught me to love, learn, and care
Through all the hard times we've been through
Helps to prove our love is true

To give back to you
What you've given to me
Would take me nearly an eternity
But if that's what it takes
It's what I'll do
To prove the love
That I feel for you.


We, who have seen the new moon grow old together, 

Who have seen winter rime the fields and stones
As though it would claim earth and water forever,
We who have known the touch of flesh and the shape of bones
Know the old moon stretching its shadows across a whitened field
More beautiful than spring with all its spate of blooms;
What passion knowledge of tried flesh still yields,
What joy and comfort these familiar rooms.
In the moonless, lampless dark now of this bed
My body knows each line and curve of yours;
My fingers know the shape of limb and head:
As pure as mathematics ecstasy endures.
Blinded by night and love we share our passion,
Certain of burning flesh, of living bone:
So feels the sculptor in the moment of creation
Moving his hands across the uncut stone.
I know why a star gives light
Shining quietly in the night;
Arithmetic helps me unravel
The hours and years this light must travel
To penetrate our atmosphere.
I can count the craters on the moon
With telescopes to make them clear.
With delicate instruments I can measure
The secrets of barometric pressure.
And therefore I find it inexpressibly queer
That with my own soul I am out of tune,
And that I have not stumbled on the art
Of forecasting the weather of the heart.


I was thinking about you today

and I do that a lot it seems.
You're always in my heart by day,
at night you drift into my dreams.

I cannot shake these feelings for you,
but then I'd never had a desire to.
The blessing of our love and friendship,
is something I want to share with you.

I want to feel you near me,
when you're so far away.
I hope you feel me in your heart,
as you travel your path today.

Footprints in the sands of time,
walking closer towards each other.
Holding hands and sharing love,
which will not be meant for another.

These are some of the memories,
that come with thoughts of you.
These feelings are from my very heart,
and something you can hold as true.
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